Meet Kula’s exclusive AI Block! Here you can pick between experience, skills or the candidate, and our AI will tailor the most nuanced message based on the prospect’s unique background. You don’t have to spend hours on research, with Kula’s AI Blocks, you can get more done in less time.
There are a host of AI tools out there.
We automate one of the longest steps in your workflow, and we do it better than any other recruitment OS out there. It's that simple.
Our AI will dive deep into your prospect's unique experience and skills to make them feel special. You can bypass hours spent identifying motivators.
We already know the formula to increase response rates, and now, we’ve strapped in AI as co-pilot. Hop on to be a part of the ride.
Employ our AI to handle the grunt work and secure responses, leaving you with the energy to foster genuine, immediate conversations when candidates reply.
Say hello to email perfection! Make your pick from Kula’s AI Blocks to spotlight
a candidate's experience, skills, or background.
When users share potential candidate information with our AI, we fully understand the responsibility it entails. Rest assured, we will never sell or share your data with any third party without your explicit permission.
Your interactions with Kula AI are pivotal in making it smarter and more useful for you. At the same time, you help us better understand recruiters' engagement with candidates, ensuring the best fit for our users' lives. We're committed to our community of users and to providing them the best experience there could be.